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stuff and nonsense ::
baking up a layer of sweet irony...

Remember the Olsen Twins? Those unbearably cloying children who have blossomed into unbearably over-watched presshounds? (Sure, they're famous, but being famous for drug abuse and anorexia probably isn't what their scheming mommy had in mind.)

Anyway, weighing not 100 pounds between them, they have bought....

a cake shop.

Yes, I said "cake shop," not "coke shop," which they'd presumably have much more experience in managing. And it's a really nice cake shop at that: Sweet Lady Jane in L.A.

So at first I was thinking, what in the hell are they thinking? What could a couple of eating disorder poster children know about cakes? But then, if you only eat one bite of food a day it may as well have frosting on it. And when you're bingeing and purging, you'd probably want something soft, sweet and light for both up and down travel. And think of the money you'd save producing an anexoric wedding cake -- just passing out empty plates saves big money on ingredients.

But even at that, it's an awfully odd combo. Kind of like Paris Hilton promoting abstinence or Heather Locklear going anti-botox.

Somewhere there's a tear in the fabric of the universe.

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